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Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Year to Go By

It's been slightly less than a year since I moved in my apartment. For about two months or so I lived completely alone. I both enjoyed and dreaded my solitude, for you see while my apartment was indeed mine, it was not my home.
Unbeknownst to me how true it would be I wrote myself a note on my bathroom mirror that said this, "The way to make a HOUSE a HOME is to put a little HEART into it."It was not until I brought my kitty Charity into my apartment that it became home.
I now have two hearts that connect me there, the other one being my black kitty Aisho (eye-show).
I have depression and anxiety, my two kitties have done much to help me with those. I always know that I can come home to two beautiful creatures who are perfect for cuddling and offer up a purr for the trouble.
There is really no end to the thanks I could give for those two ( and for my friends as well), I have truly been blessed.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bad Housekeeping...

If you know me at all you know that either a) I do not invite people to my house or b) My house is an abject mess. There are many reasons for this part depression, part ADD, and part habit. I am slowly, but surely trying to work my way out of this. Unfortunately I have so many habits to be cultivated that I'm never sure where to start. And focusing on one thing seems silly ( but most likely my best bet). Anyway for today I've got a bit of the cleaning itch, so I'm going to make my bed fold my clean laundry and possibly do some laundry today too ( the clean laundry is from last week). Not sure how much, depends on when I loose my oomph.

The Doc

'Tis the docs office today for my appointment. Going to talk about and hopefully deal with my depression and ADD. I don't like the prospect of getting fired for something that can be helped.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So here I am baking cookies... I never bake cookies. Mostly because I don't have the oomph to make cookies for just me. At my friend Katie's house today for a barbecue. ^_^ So excited! Almost done with cookies too! There will be only only one more batch then I'm done.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Yay! It works!

So I have posted from my phone successfully. Hopefully this heralds a new era of posting. ^_^
So as for current things, will be going to the doc ( I love having insurance) for depression and at least talk about ADD (or if you want to be proper about it ADHD-PI), plus follow up on the pneumonia I had ( am healthy now).
My cats are doing well with Aisho being as mischievous as ever.
A customer caught me off guard yesterday by being very rude. It kept me off kilter all day.
All right will go now, hope you have a nice day and God bless.

Different energy drink...

It's called Reed's Natural Energy Elixir. For an energy drink it tastes wonderful. If you like ginger ale you would like this. Will see how well it does with the giving of the energy.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3 good things...

1. My imagination keeps me occupied when nothing else does. I love my daydreams, exploring fantasy worlds where I can turn time forward or run it back to see if changing one little thing might have a huge difference.

2. My mind has been another source of enjoyment. Puzzling out questions or pondering answers.

3. My God through which all things are made possible.